Durable wood-aluminium windows
Each of our wood-aluminium windows mainly consists of a wood window with all its advantages: stable, extremely thermically insulating, adaptable, natural. The aluminium shell on the outside is the protective coat that keeps rain, snow and UV radiation away from the wood window. This combination makes the wood-aluminium window one of the most durable and sustainable windows on the market. And with its slick appearance, a real eye-catcher.
The best of two worlds combined.
Thanks to the aluminium shell on the outside, our wood-aluminium windows are practically indestructible. The aluminium simply cannot be harmed by the elements. But only in combination with the wood window on the inside do we get a window that is hard to beat in terms of durability. Because aluminium is strong, but wood is even stronger. Especially when we use triple-glued wooden scantlings and connect the profiles quite traditionally with mortise and tenon.
The advantages of wood-aluminium windows
Thanks to the aluminium shell on the outside, our wood-aluminium windows are unsurpassed when it comes to resistance to weathering. The required stability comes from the wood window.

With a slick appeal and optional powder-coated matte aluminium finishes, our wood-aluminium window is a true design piece.

low maintenance
The aluminum shell as a protective cover keeps out rain, snow or UV radiation. This makes the wood-aluminum window one of the easiest to maintain.

Structurally, our wood-aluminum window has everything it takes to last for decades. This is achieved through triple-glued scantlings and mortise-and-tenon joints.
Our aluminium shells are made from about 30 percent recycled material. For wood, we can use pine or spruce, which have short transport distances and top thermal insulation properties.
Why we recommend Sorpetaler

During our renovation, it was important to us to work with local companies and craftspeople. Also, visually and in terms of durability, our Sorpetaler wood-aluminium windows are superb in every respect.
Annika & Lars
Wooden house with wood-aluminium windows
How to get our products

You provide us with some basic information about your building project. You are welcome to send us a quick and easy e-mail to contact@sorpetaler.de.

We forward your enquiry to one of our qualified partners in your area.

Our partner will provide you with expert advice on products and features on your premises and can prepare a quote. We encourage all partners to also provide installation services directly or indirectly, or assist in finding trained and qualified installers at the local level.

As soon as we receive the order, we manufacture your windows and doors to size. After delivery, our partner installs them.